As mentioned previously, you can become a financial planner family finances wisely without having to use the services of a professional financial planner. Creating a simple financial planning by following these tips simple family financial planning, among others avoid large expenditures than income, avoid debt, and simple living. Other tips that can be followed, among others.
Tips to four, Manage budget. To manage finance not only have to ask for help financial consultant, but you can become a financial planner, set up their own family finances in a simple way. Separate the money according to the needs of each month and input into the envelope, eg separate the money to pay for electricity, water and telephone. Finance became more organized and clear. Tube more money there because if there is forced savings you can help.
The next Tips, Do not Pay Bills delay. Each family or household must have a bill, whether it is electricity, water, telephone, and others. Try to directly pay the bill when the bill arrives. Do not let bills pile up as it would increase the family's financial problems, especially if there is no money to pay the bills.
And the last tips, Agreed. family financial planning agreement between husband and wife when needed. Sit together and open the family's financial planning. Husband and wife should know each other's respective incomes. Determine if only the husband's income is used to cover all the needs of a family or combining both the income to fund family. So it turns out the family financial planning should not be a professional, you yourself can become a financial planner. Try to apply these tips and try not to break them.